Sunday, November 11, 2007

Om Shambles Om ?

Just returned from what was an absolute joke of a movie. An utterly preposterous, anachronistic, and nonchalantly shameless piece of celluloid junk called Om Shanti Om. It’s almost as if it was made with the intention of ridiculing the intellect of the Indian movie-goer. At the end of the 2 hour 47 minute (which actually felt much longer) farce, I just wondered – “Hang on a second! Did the entire team of Om Shanti Om just pull a really bad prank on me?” Maybe they did.

After having seen her on the receiving end of some really scathing reviews for Main Hoon Na, I expected Farah Khan to realize that film-making isn’t quite her métier, and that she should stick to what she does best - choreography. But she clearly doesn’t believe in the expression, once bitten twice shy. She boldly decided to make another one and somehow managed to convince her close and seemingly intelligent friend, Mr. Shahrukh Khan, to fund it, albeit under his better half’s name. So in went the dough, mixed with typical bollywood masala, a bizarre script, loads of razzmatazz, some really crappy acting, every imaginable cliché, and oodles of hype. The final product – A dazzling fiasco!!!

However, the film did have a few positives that merit a mention. The music, for instance, was really enchanting. I’ve been humming the ‘Ajab si’ number ever since I got out of the theatre. The sets of the film were really lavish, the use of CGI was remarkable and the choreography, as you’d expect, was indeed, very beautiful. But, all this, doesn’t even come close to the sight of the drop-dead-gorgeous Deepika Padukone, splashed across the big silver screen. Boy, if ever there was a divine beauty, it’s her. I feel she’s got huge potential and if handled well, can go on to make it really big in the industry. And when I say, big, I mean Superstar big.

On that positive note, I’ll sign off, and go to sleep. Have got a date with Deepika Padukone later tonight….

1 comment:

Nitin said...

Hello Chintz,
We are pleased to announce the launch of 'Chakpak Picture Gallery Widgets - beta' . Movie Picture Gallery Widgets are small HTML scriptlets which you can copy to your blog and they show nifty picture gallery for the configured movie. They are a neat addition to your blog entry.

It looks like you are a movie buff, and frequently blog about movies. These Picture Gallery Widgets would be a great addition to the movie reviews that you write.

To start just go to Find the widget which you like. Copy the HTML scriptlet and replace the MOVIE_ID by the actual movie-id.

We hope you like them. Please send us any feedback on the widgets and help us improve the widgets further.

Chakpak Team